SOLA Increases Prize Money!
Mary Graham Lasley Music Scholarship Competition
The 47th Mary Graham Lasley Scholarship Competition

The Symphony Orchestra League of Alexandria, VA (SOLA) is increasing the
size of three scholarships for winners of the 47th annual Mary Graham Lasley
scholarship competition scheduled for March 30, 2025.
According to Sharon Walker, the chair of the popular contest, the first prize will
be increased from $2,500 to $3,000, the second-place contestant will win $2,500, and
the third-place prize will increase from $1,500 to $2,000.
The deadline to register for the competition performances, which will be held at the Performing Arts Center on the campus of Northern Virginia Community College in Alexandria, VA, is Monday, March 3, 2025.
The classical music scholarships are financed through a trust fund established by the family of the late Mary Graham Lasley. Lasley was a supporter of the arts and music in the Alexandria community and a founder of the Alexandria Symphony Guild, the
predecessor of SOLA.
Application forms for the contest will be posted on the SOLA website, SOLA MUSIC. College-level music students of string instruments, winds, brass instruments, piano, and percussion will compete on March 30 in 15-minute performances before three judges. Applications must include a non-refundable fee of $50.
Contestants for the MGL scholarship may not be older than 25 on the day of the competition. Music students who are residents of Virginia, Maryland, or the District of Columbia and are enrolled in college-level music programs in the area or elsewhere are eligible to participate in the contest.
Area music teachers, their students, and families are encouraged to attend the March 30 competition performances. The competition is free and open to the public at the Northern Virginia Community College Performing Arts Center, 3301 Netherton Dr. in Alexandria. Free parking is available, and doors to the event will open about 9:30 a.m.
The competition is limited to 15 performers. GOOD LUCK!
Applications & Fees
Fee A nonrefundable entry fee of $50 payable to “SOLA” must accompany the application form below.
Checks and applications may also be mailed to MGL Scholarship, SOLA, P. O. Box 25993, Alexandria, VA 22313
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